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dc.contributor.authorЗаруцька, О. В.-
dc.contributor.authorНіженковська, І. В.-
dc.contributor.authorБут, І. В.-
dc.description.abstractGlycine is an amino acid that performs a number of important functions in the body, is a component of proteins and glutathione, and affects the nervous system. The Ukrainian dietary supplements market offers a large number of glycine-based products in combination with vitamins and minerals for dietary purposes. These supplements, firstly, have a sedative effect, make it easier to fall asleep and help improve sleep quality. Secondly, they reduce the negative manifestations of stress and anxiety, and reduce tension. In addition, glycine consumption can help improve cognitive function and concentration. Glycine has antioxidant properties and is important for the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the health of muscles, joints and skin. Literature analysis shows that there are no methods for standardizing dietary supplements in Ukraine using modern methods of analysis and are of significant scientific interest.uk_UA
dc.subjectDietary supplements, glycine, specification, methods of analysis.uk_UA
dc.titleРозробка проєкту специфікації та методів контролю якості для дієтичної добавки на основі гліцину та магнію аспарагінатуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of draft specifications and quality control methods for a dietary supplement based on glycine and magnesium asparaginate-
Розташовується у зібраннях:Випускні кваліфікаційні роботи студентів кафедри хімії ліків та лікарської токсикології

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