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Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Shpak, B.
Результати 1 до 13 із 13
Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
2021 | Forecasting of dangerous influence of avermectin insecticides to human organism using surface and groundwater for drinking | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Shpak, B.; Omelchuk, S. |
2021 | Forecasting of dangerous influence of avermecting insecticides to human organism using surface and groundwater for drinking | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Shpak, B.; Omelchuk, S. |
2019 | Forecasting of the hazard for human health of the consumption of vegetables grown with the application of abamectin-based insecticide formulations | Antonenko, A.; Shpak, B.; Vavrinevych, O.; Borysenko, A.; Omelchuk, S. |
2019 | Forecasting of the hazard of emamectine benzoate insecticide on human health in the consumption of fruits growed with the application of formulations based on it | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Shpak, B.; Omelchuk, S. |
2021 | Hygienic evaluation of the most common methods of agricultural crops treatment with chemical protection products | Borysenko, A.; Antonenko, A.; Shpak, B.; Omelchuk, S.; Bardov, V. |
2020 | Hygienic substantiation of calculating models for prognosis of toxicity of dif-ferent classes insecticides (second part) | Vavrinevych, O.; Shpak, B.; Antonenko, A.; Omelchuk, S.; Zinchenko, T. |
2019 | Hygienic substantiation of calculating models for prognosis of toxicity of different classes insecticides (first part) | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Shpak, B. |
2020 | Hygienic substantiation of necessity for monitoring in the environmental objects of SDHI fungicides considering their possible impact on the thyroid gland | Antonenko, A.; Shpak, B.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Zinchenko, T. |
2019 | Improvement of the monitoring system in the environment of pesticides affecting thyrois gland | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Shpak, B.; Korshun, M. |
2019 | Substantiation of necessity for monitoring in the environmental objects of avermectin insecticides considering their possible impact on the thyroid gland | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Shpak, B.; Bardov, V.; Novokhatska, O.; Zinchenko, T.; Tkachenko, S. |
2021 | Нygienic evaluation of the most common methods of agricultural crops treatment by chemical protection products (literature review) | Borysenko, A.; Antonenko, A.; Shpak, B.; Omelchuk, S.; Bardov, V. |
2024 | Рeculiarities of formulations approved in Ukraine to use against "gray rot" in comparison with european formulations | Shpak, B.; Antonenko, A.; Borysenko, A.; Alekseeva, S.; Hordiienko, O. |
2019 | Удосконалення системи моніторингу у навколишньому середовищі пестицидів, які впливають на щитоподібну залозу | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Korshun, M.; Omelchuk, S.; Shpak, B.; Антоненко, А. М.; Вавріневич, О. П.; Омельчук, С. Т.; Шпак, Б. І.; Коршун, М. М. |