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Назва: Prediction of mortality in severely injured patients with facial bone fractures
Автори: Shumynskyi, I.
Gurianov, V.
Kaniura, O.
Kopchak, A.
Ключові слова: Maxillofacial trauma · Fracture · Mortality · New Injury Severity Score · Glasgow Coma Scale · Facial Injury Severity Scale
Дата публікації: 2022
Видавництво: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Короткий огляд (реферат): Purpose Identify the most common concomitant injuries associated with facial trauma, and compare the efcacy of various scoring systems in estimation of mortality risks in this category of patients. Methods The study evaluated patients with facial and concomitant injuries, who received the multidisciplinary treatment in a specialized trauma hospital. Values of New Injury Severity Score, Glasgow Coma Scale, Facial Injury Severity Scale, age, and length of hospital stay were statistically analysed to determine presence of relationships between these indicators and defne factors that signifcantly associated with lethal outcome. Results During 6-year observation period, 719 patients were treated with multiple or combined maxillofacial trauma, brain injuries and polytrauma. Mainly with isolated midface bones (49.7%), pan-facial (34.6%), mandible (12.9%), and frontal bone and walls (2.8%) fractures. Mortality was (2.2%). The mortality rates in patients with severe pan-facial fractures were higher (p = 0.008) than in single anatomical area (6% vs 1.5%). Age, GCS, and NISS were the most reliable indicator of lethal outcome. Conclusion Age, Glasgow Coma Scale and New Injury Severity Score main factors, that predicts lethal outcome with high accuracy. New Injury Severity Score value ≥ 41 is a critical level for survival prognosis and should be considered in treat ment planning and management of this category of patients.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.librarynmu.com/handle/123456789/7597
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри менеджменту охорони здоров’я

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