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Назва: Nutrition of students` youth nowadays and it's correction ways
Автори: Omelchuk, S.
Yeltsova, L.
Kozyarin, I.
Aleksiichuk, V.
Ivahno, O.
Galan, I.
Anisimov, Y.
Ключові слова: nutrition regimen
medical students
alimentary diseases
Дата публікації: 2022
Видавництво: Wiadomości Lekarskie
Серія/номер: VOLUME LXXV, ISSUE 5;PART 1
Короткий огляд (реферат): The aim: Assessment of students’ youth’ nutrition by components introduction of nutrition correction methods. Materials and methods: The following methods have been used in the study: analytical, questionnaire method (the authors composed a questionnaire chart for complex assessment of life style components), statistical (the data received statistical analysis by the licensed in Ukraine software IBM SPSS Statistics Base v.22, with academic lifetime license). Results: The authors have found that medical students’ nutrition style can be characterized as unbalanced and polydeficient. The detected non-observance of the nutritional regimen and real students’ youth nutrition justify implementation of preventive measures, aimed at decreasing risks of the alimentary and alimentary-dependent diseases. Conclusions: The paper contains recommendations on the main ways of the students’ youth nutrition regimens correction.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.librarynmu.com/handle/123456789/5900
ISSN: 2450-4289
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри гігієни харчування та нутріціології

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