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Використовуйте фільтри для уточнення результатів пошуку.

Результати 1-10 зі 12.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Diversity of treatment of generalized periodontal diseases in patients with anorexia nervosaAntonenko, M.; Reshetnyk, L.; Zelinska, N.; Stolyar, V.; Revych, V.
2019-01Роль тканевої алергії до кісткового антигена в діагностиці початкового ступеня генералізованого пародонтитаAntonenko, M.; Reshetnyk, L.; Zelinska, N.; Znachkova, O.; Revych, V.
2019Compliance as a component of indicative planning of therapeutic and prophylactic measures for generalized parodontal diseases associated with anorexia nervosaReshetnyk, L.; Zelinska, N.; Antonenko, M.; Moskalenko, O.
2018-10-30Clinical and nosological structure of generalized periodontal tissue diseases in patients with disorders of eating behaviorMaiborodina, D.; Reshetnyk, L.; Zelinska, N.; Antonenko, M.
2020Characteristic signs about the congruence of pathogenetic mechanisms in generalized periodontal disease and anorexia nervosaAntonenko, M.; Reshetnyk, L.; Palamarchuk, S.; Palamarchuk, M.; Zelinska, N.; Maly, D.
2020-05Pathogenetic mechanisms of affiliation generalized parodontal diseases and anorexia nervosaPopov, R.; Antonenko, M.; Slavinskaya, V.; Zelinska, N.; Reshetnyk, L.
2020Integration features of oral hygiene and periodontopathogenic microbiota in children with generalized chronic catarrhal gingivitis and atopic dermatitisAntonenko, M.; Slavinskaya, V.; Palamarchuk, S.; Palamarchuk, M.; Reshetnyk, L.; Zelinska, N.
2020Implementation of innovative pedagogical methods at the stage of the postgraduate education of dentistsAntonenko, M.; Zelinska, N.; Sayapina, L.; Znachkova, O.; Shuminskaya, T.; Zhegulovich, Z.; Reshetnyk, L.; Melnychuk, T.
2020Generalized parodontal diseases and anorexia nervosa clinic – laboratory parallelsReshetnyk, L.; Antonenko, M.; Zelinska, N.
2020Implementation of innovative pedagogical methods at the stage of the postgraduate education of dentistsAntonenko, M.; Zelinska, N.; Sayapina, L.; Znachkova, O.; Shuminskaya, T.; Zhegulovich, Z.; Reshetnyk, L.; Melnychuk, T.