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Назва: Моніторинг середньодобового споживання хлібних, круп’яних та макаронних виробів у раціоні студентської молоді
Інші назви: Estimating daily consumption of bakery products, cereals and pasta by the student youth groups
Мониторинг среднесуточного потребления хлебных, крупяных и макаронных изделий в рационе студенческой молодежи
Автори: Єльцова, Л. Б.
Ключові слова: опитувальна карта
середньодобове споживання
макаронні вироби
кондитерські вироби
раціон харчування
студентська молодь
daily consumption
pasta products
cereal products
food ratio
student youth group
Дата публікації: 2019
Видавництво: RS Global Sp. z O.O. Warsaw, Poland
Бібліографічний опис: IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “International Trends in Science and Technology”
Серія/номер: IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “International Trends in Science and Technology”;Vol.2, С.10-16.
Короткий огляд (реферат): According to the healthy nutrition standards, consumption of the whole-grain cereals – bread, cereal products and pasta, makes up an indispensable component of the well-balanced ratio. These food products should compose one- sixth of the healthy daily nutritional dose in Ukraine. At the same time, nutritionists recommend to restrict consumption of the confectioner’s products and sweets. Aim: hygienic evaluation of the daily consumption of bread and pasta products, cereal products, confectioner’s products and sweets in order to correct the nutritional ratios of the student youth groups. Materials and methods: using the questionnaires [9], the authors have collected data and evaluated the obtained results on the medical students’ nutritional ratios. The study engages the students of the O. Bogomolets National medical university. Questioning was anonymous, with the students’ previous consent. The sample size is 858 respondents (570 females and 288 males), aged from 18 to 25 years old. Results: the article represents results of evaluation of the plant-origin food products consumption by medical students: bread and pasta products, cereal products, confectionery products and sweets. The authors estimated bread (wheat and rye) and pasta products consumption. The consumption scale was the following: “I don’t consume them”, “I consume not more than 100g”, “I consume from 100 to 200g”, “I consume more than 200g”. The authors have also evaluated daily consumption of the cereal products: buckwheat, oats and rice. The following scale was used: “I don’t consume them”, “I consume not more than 100g”, “I consume from 100 to 300g”, “I consume more than 300g of them”. The evaluation scale for the confectionery products and sweets (sugar, jam and honey) looks as follows: “I don’t consume them”, “I consume not more than 25g”, “I consume 25-50g of these products”, “I consume from 50 to 100g”, “I consume more than 100g of them”. The authors have established that 15% of male respondents and up to 25% of the female respondents don’t consume bread. More than one third of the respondents daily consume 100-200g of the pasta products, particularly the respondents of the 4th study year. Only half of the respondents, irrespective of the gender and study year, daily consume enough cereal products (100-300g). The traditional for the Ukrainians buckwheat porridge doesn’t compose ratio of 20% of the junior and 10% of senior medical students. Oats doesn’t represent ratio of half of the junior students and more than one third of the senior medical students, one third of all respondents don’t consume rice. At the same time, a half of the respondents consume up to 100g of the confectionery products, one-third of the students consume from 100 to 200g of these products. Only a half of the junior students and one third of the senior students keep to the sugar consumption standards, which don’t exceed 25 g a day. The respondents of the 3rd study year and senior students presumably consume more than 100g of sugar a day. Conclusions. Only 50% of the medical students’ food ratios, according to the daily consumption of bread, cereal products, confectionery products and sugar, correspond to the national recommendations. One third of the respondents, irrespective of the gender and study year, consume confectionery products too much. A half of the respondents are characterized by the extreme daily sugar consumption. This increases risk of overweight, disordered metabolism with subsequent obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardio-vascular diseases and oncological malformations. The student’s food ratio should be corrected, regarding the carbohydrate consumption.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.librarynmu.com/handle/123456789/1538
ISBN: 978-83-952507-4-3
Розташовується у зібраннях:Матеріали науково-практичних конференцій кафедри гігієни харчування та нутріціології

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