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Назва: | Endovascular treatment of post-thrombotic syndrome of the lower extremities caused by combat trauma. Clinical case |
Інші назви: | Ендоваскулярне лікування посттромботичного захворювання нижніх кінцівок внаслідок бойової травми. Клінічний випадок |
Автори: | Susak, Y. Karpenko, K. |
Ключові слова: | gunshot wound, AV fistulae, venous stenting, arterial embolization, combat trauma, endovascular intervention, post-thrombotic syndrome вогнепальне поранення, артеріовенозна фістула, венозне стентування, артеріальна емболізація, бойова травма, ендоваскулярне втручання, посттромботична хвороба |
Дата публікації: | 2023 |
Видавництво: | General Surgery Загальна хірургія • 2023 • № 3–4 (6–7) |
Бібліографічний опис: | Susak YM, Karpenko KK. Endovascular treatment of post-thrombotic syndrome of the lower extremities caused by combat trauma. Clinical case. General Surgery (Ukraine). 2023:3-4;61-67. http://doi.org/10.30978/GS-2023-3-61. |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | In the course of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, gunshot shrapnel wounds of the lower extremities that result in damage to major blood vessels have become a common phenomenon. Their incidence is consistent with the general data on combat-related vascular injuries. Vascular gunshot injuries can cause significant changes to the normal anatomy and hemodynamics of the extremity as a result of the bullet or shrapnel travelling through the wound channel. Combat trauma of the vascular bundle, either as a primary factor or in combination with other lesions, often causes a serious condition in the wounded that requires urgent surgical intervention]. Injury to the major blood vessels of the lower limbs carries the risk of critical ischemia, which can lead to higher mortality rates, poor limb recovery, and disability. This clinical case demonstrates the endovascular management of a disabling combat-related vascular injury. The treatment involves the use of modern imaging techniques and minimally invasive surgical procedures. This case highlights the progression of the pathological process after a gunshot shrapnel wound to the soft tissues and major blood vessels. It also shows a change in the normal anatomy of the major blood vessels and the subsequent development of regional hemodynamic disorders of the lower limb after injury. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | http://ir.librarynmu.com/handle/123456789/14437 |
ISSN: | DOI http://doi.org/10.30978/GS-2023-3-61 UDC 616-005.3 |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | Наукові публікації кафедри хірургії з курсом невідкладної та судинної хірургії |
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