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Назва: Analysis of the floristic composition of the afforestation belts of the Left-Bank Middle-Dnipro region of Ukraine
Інші назви: Analysis of the floristic composition of the afforestation belts of the Left-Bank Middle-Dnipro region of Ukraine
Автори: Goncharenko, I.
Dvirna, T.
Tymochko, I.
Solomakha, I.
Bezrodnova, O.
Solomakha, V.
Ключові слова: afforestation belts, floristic structure, alien and invasive species, Forest-Steppe zone
Дата публікації: 2024
Видавництво: Goncharenko I., Dvirna T., Tymochko I., Solomakha I., Bezrodnova O. & Solomakha V. (2024): Analysis of the floristic composition of the afforestation belts of the Left Bank Middle-Dnipro region of Ukraine. – Thaiszia
Короткий огляд (реферат): The species composition and the floristic structure of afforestation belt vegetation of the Left-Bank Middle-Dnipro region of Ukraine were studied. The data was obtained during geobotanical studies of forest belts conducted in 2019–2021. A quantitative analysis of the taxonomic, biomorphological structure and diagnostic species proportions of vegetation classes is presented with a detailed analysis of the anthropophyte fraction. The studied vegetation has transitional features between anthropogenic forests and natural broad-leaved forests. On the one hand, we noted the predominance of native species in tree and shrub layers with a differentiated layer structure and the predominance of a competitive type of strategy. On the other hand, we have established a relatively poor or even monotypic species composition with a significant participation of indigenous synanthropic as well as alien species in the herbaceous layer. The studied forest belts represent a distinctive and quasi-stable type of forest vegetation that requires further syntaxonomic study.
Опис: Forest belts play an important role in the Forest-Steppe landscape of Ukraine, where natural vegetation on watersheds is destroyed and replaced by agricultural land. They perform an environment-forming and landscape-stabilizing function and serve as a habitat for other organisms, including birds. The combination of all these factors contributes to the active research and preservation of protective afforestation belts in many countries and it is relevant today.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.librarynmu.com/handle/123456789/14435
ISSN: doi.org/10.33542/TJB2024-2-01
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри фармакогнозії та ботаніки

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