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dc.contributor.authorSakhanda, I.-
dc.contributor.authorKoziko, N.-
dc.contributor.authorLitvin, Y.-
dc.description.abstractThe professional community feels the need to advance and expand the role of pharmaceutical personnel to meet healthcare needs. In the last decades in the pharmaceutical practice there has been a steady tendency of patient-oriented services and services. Within this concept, the principles of service delivery and training have shifted from patient to patient focus. The impact of personalized medicine on the profession is becoming increasingly im portant. These changes entail the need to transform the basic knowledge and approaches taught by pharmaceutical workers.uk_UA
dc.subjectTeaching, methodological approaches, Faculty of Pharmacy, biotechnology, business game, knowledge.uk_UA
dc.titleMethodological aspects of teaching biotechnology in the pharmaceutical facultyuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові видання кафедри організації та економіки фармації

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