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Назва: Psychological Rehabilitation Of Military Servicemen With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Автори: Khashchyna, T.
Khashchyna, S.
Ключові слова: Military personnel, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder
Дата публікації: 2024
Видавництво: Proceedings of I International Scientific and Practical Conference London, United Kingdom 15-17 August 2024 SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY
Короткий огляд (реферат): Annotation In recent decades, scientific interest in the problem of mental post-traumatic stress disorder of servicemen who participated in military conflicts has increased. The main traumatic zone is the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine since 2014. The consequences of military trauma can haunt a person all his life and merge into a single set of symptoms - post-traumatic stress disorder. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among military personnel varies. Thus, according to the World Health Organization's national study of war participants, 30% of servicemen develop post-traumatic stress disorder some time after the war. However, in a number of studies, it turns out that from 15 to 70% of war participants have symptoms of this disorder.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.librarynmu.com/handle/123456789/12118
ISSN: УДК: 616.89
Розташовується у зібраннях:Матеріали науково-практичних конференцій кафедри описової та клінічної анатомії

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