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dc.contributor.authorКукса, В. В.-
dc.contributor.authorВельчинська, О. В.-
dc.description.abstractParacetamol (acetaminophen) has the chemical nomenclature name of IUPAK 4'-hydroxy-acetanilide; para-acetaminophenol; acetophen; para-acetylamidophenol; N acetyl-para-aminophenol; para-acetylaminophenol; para-hydroxyacetanilide; N-para hydroxyphenylacetamide. Paracetamol is used as an analgesic and antipyretic drug. It is one of the best alternative analgesics compared to aspirin. This is especially important for patients with blood coagulation disorders, people with a history of peptic ulcer disease, who cannot tolerate aspirin, and for children. During the synthesis of a substance, its incomplete purification, intermolecular interaction, the formation of accompanying substances, impurities, products of intermolecular reactions is possible. An important task of the pharmaceutical analysis of paracetamol is the use of modern instrumental methods and the expansion of the range of physicochemical methods in its pharmaceutical analysis. The actual task of the work is the development of chromatographic conditions for the study of the substance of paracetamol by HPLC, methods of sample preparation during research, which will make it possible to draw correct conclusions about the presence of undeclared APIs in the substance.uk_UA
dc.subjectOxaliplatin, antitumour activity, HPLC, admixture.uk_UA
dc.titleСубстанція похідного ацетаніламіду та особливості фармацевтичного аналізу незадекларованих АФІ у її складіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeAcetanilamide derivative substance and peculiarities of pharmaceutical analysis of undeclared apis in its coposition-
Розташовується у зібраннях:Випускні кваліфікаційні роботи студентів кафедри хімії ліків та лікарської токсикології

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