Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
2023 | Assessment of the risk of adverse effects of different pesticide groups for humans consuming apples and grapes treated with pesticides | Ibrahimova, I.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S. |
2021 | Comparative hygienic assessment of working conditions and occupational risk in the application of pesticides (on the example of fungicide amistar extra 280, sc) using different types of sprayers | Borysenko, A. A.; Antonenko, A. M.; Omelchuk, S. T.; Bardov, V. G.; Vavrinevych, O. |
2018 | Comparative hygienic evaluation of behavior of different pesticides groups in soil, prediction of risk of ground water contamination and its danger for human health in areas with irrigation farming | Novokhatska, O.; Kondratiuk, M.; Stavnichenko, P.; Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Bardov, V. |
2018 | Comparative hygienic evaluation of behavior of different pesticides groups in soil, prediction of risk of ground water contamination and its danger for human health in areas with irrigation farming | Novohatsa, O.; Stavnichenko, P.; Kondratiuk, A.; Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Bardov, V. |
2019 | Development of a Method for Prediction of Risk of Surface and Groundwater Contamination with Pesticides and Their Dangerous Aspects for Human Health | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Korshun, M.; Omelchuk, S. |
2018 | Epidemiologic evaluation of thyroid diseases morbidity of Ukrainian adult population from 2000 to 2013 | Antonenko, A.; Korshun, M.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Bardov, V. |
2018 | Epidemiologic evaluation of thyroid diseases morbidity of Ukrainian adult population from 2000 to 2013 | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Korshun, M. |
2019 | Experience of scientific and research work of hygiene and ecology institute implementation at the course of discipline “Hygiene and ecology” study for foreign students | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Bardov, V. |
2018 | Experimental study on the carcinogenic effects of pesticides with ascertained carcinogenic activity under the conditions of its simultaneous influence on the organism of laboratory animals | Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Syrota, A.; Blagaia, A.; Lisovska, V.; Reshavska, O. |
2024 | Features of preparation of foreign students for taking objective structured practical (clinical) examinations in a combined learning format | Blagaia, A.; Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Borysenko, A.; Kondratiuk, M.; Bardov, V.; Tkachenko, I. |
2019 | Features of the mechanisms of the effect of modern pesticides on the thyroid gland functioning (literary review) | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Korshun, M.; Omelchuk, S.; Антоненко, А. М.; Вавріневич, О. П.; Коршун, М. М.; Омельчук, С. Т. |
2019 | Features of the modern pesticides modes of action on the thyroid gland functionality | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Korshun, M. |
2021 | Forecasting of dangerous influence of avermectin insecticides to human organism using surface and groundwater for drinking | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Shpak, B.; Omelchuk, S. |
2021 | Forecasting of dangerous influence of avermecting insecticides to human organism using surface and groundwater for drinking | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Shpak, B.; Omelchuk, S. |
2019 | Forecasting of the hazard for human health of the consumption of vegetables grown with the application of abamectin-based insecticide formulations | Antonenko, A.; Shpak, B.; Vavrinevych, O.; Borysenko, A.; Omelchuk, S. |
2019 | Forecasting of the hazard of emamectine benzoate insecticide on human health in the consumption of fruits growed with the application of formulations based on it | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Shpak, B.; Omelchuk, S. |
2018 | Forecasting of triazole, amide, piperedinyle thiazol isoxazoline, oxazole fungicides hazardous effect on human health in consumption of vegetables growed in their application | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O. |
2020 | Forecasting the risk for human health og groundwater contaminated by pesticides tank mixtures components consumption (on example of fungicide Quadris mix-tures with other groups of pesticides) | Vavrinevych, O.; Antonenko, A.; Bardov, V.; Omelchuk, S.; Pelo, I. |
2019 | Forecasting the risk of bifenthrin-based insecticides for human health when consuming agricultural products grown after their application | Omelchuk, S.; Vavrinevych, O.; Antonenko, A.; Bardov, V. |
2018 | Hazard forecasting for human while consuming agricultural products contaminated by pyrazolecarboxamides class fungicides | Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Korshun, M.; Omelchuk, S.; Bardov, V. |