Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
2024 | Analysis of success in passing the Krok-2 exam as a tool for increasing the effectiveness of foreign students' training | Antonenko, A.; Borysenko, A.; Kondratiuk, M.; Uvaiev, B.; Aleksiichuk, V.; Slipets, A. |
2021-12 | Assessment level of physical activity and psycho-emotional health status of the Bogomolets National Medical University students under conditions of distance learning organization | Kalashchenko, S.; Lutsak, O.; Hrynzovskyi, A.; Kovalchuk, O.; Martynenko, S.; Kondratiuk, M. |
2024 | Calculation and comparative hygienic assessment of potential risks when processing agricultural crops using 3RIVE3D technology | Borysenko, A.; Antonenko, A.; Omelchuk, S.; Korshun, O.; Melnychuk, F.; Kondratiuk, M. |
2018 | Comparative hygienic assessment of active ingredients content in the air environmental after treatment of cereal spiked crops by combined fungicides | Kondratiuk, M.; Blagaia, A.; Pelo, I. |
2024 | Comparative hygienic assessment of the behavior and resistance of pesticides in the soils of South-East Europe when using formulations with 3Rive 3D treatment technology | Borysenko, A.; Antonenkо, A.; Kondratiuk, M.; Omelchuk, S.; Melnichuk, F. |
2023 | Comparative hygienic assessment of the potential diquat hazard to the population when consuming agricultural crops treated with the Reglone Air 200 SL formulation using different application technologies (UAV, aerial, high-clearance rod sprayer treatment) | Borysenko, A.; Antonenko, A.; Aleksiichuk, V.; Kondratiuk, M.; Pelo, I. |
2018 | Comparative hygienic evaluation of behavior of different pesticides groups in soil, prediction of risk of ground water contamination and its danger for human health in areas with irrigation farming | Novokhatska, O.; Kondratiuk, M.; Stavnichenko, P.; Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Omelchuk, S.; Bardov, V. |
2024 | Features of preparation of foreign students for taking objective structured practical (clinical) examinations in a combined learning format | Blagaia, A.; Antonenko, A.; Borysenko, A.; Kondratiuk, M.; Bardov, V.; Tkachenko, I. |
2024 | Features of preparation of foreign students for taking objective structured practical (clinical) examinations in a combined learning format | Blagaia, A.; Antonenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Borysenko, A.; Kondratiuk, M.; Bardov, V.; Tkachenko, I. |
2022 | Hygiene and ecology | Bardov, V.; Omelchuk, S.; Merezhkina, N.; Aleksiichuk, V.; Anisimov, Y.; Antonenko, A.; Bardov, G.; Biletska, E.; Blagaia, A.; Borysenko, A.; Vavrinevych, O.; Vlasenko, O.; Garkavyi, S.; Hrynzovskyi, A.; Dubnov, A.; Zahorodniuk, K.; Zinchenko, T.; Kozak, N.; Kondratiuk, M.; Korobchanskyi, V.; Korshun, M.; Novokhatska, O.; Pelo, I.; Serheta, I.; Stavnichenko, P.; Tkachenko, I.; Tkachenko, S.; Fedorenko, V.; Shevchenko, O. |
2018-11-22 | Hygienic estimation of hazard indicators of combined fungicides getting into the water after the treatment of cereal spiked crops | Kondratiuk, M.; Blagaia, A.; Pelo, I.; Omelchuk, S.; Omelchuk, S. |
2019 | Hygienic estimation of operators' and workers' exposure by fungicides during its application on cereal spiked crops | Kondratiuk, M.; Blagaia, A.; Bardov, V.; Merezhkina, N.; Omelchuk, S. |
2023 | Pedagogical analysis of the objective structured practical (clinical) exam (OSP©E-2) «Hygiene and Ecology» part results received by foreign students of the 6th year study | Bardov, V.; Borysenko, A.; Kondratiuk, M.; Vynohradova-Anyk, O. |