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dc.contributor.authorIvanitskaya, T.-
dc.contributor.authorBurmak, Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorIvanitskiy, I.-
dc.contributor.authorPetrov, Ye.-
dc.contributor.authorKazakov, Yu,-
dc.contributor.authorShut, S.-
dc.description.abstractThe article highlights the features o f changes in the level o f magnesium in the serum, the elas ticity o f the vascular wall and shows their relationship in young men with essential hypertension and abdominal obesity. The indices o f magnesemia, the markers o f the arterial wall elasticity (the augmentation index, the arterial stiffness index and the pulse wave velocity), and the thick ness o f the perivascular adipose tissue (extra-media o f carotid arteries) were evaluated. Clinical manifestations o f magnesium deficiency were identified in more than half o f the cases and the risk o f its development was found in a third o f patients with essential hypertension and obesity, it correlated with the results o f laboratory studies o f serum magnesium levels. Be sides, the severity o f hypomagnesemia was inversely proportional to the blood pressure (r=-0.58, p=0,022).Evaluation o f vascular wall stiffness markers in patients with essential hypertension and obesity showed their significant increase not only in comparison with the similar indicators o f practically healthy individuals but also with the parameters o f patients with essential hyper tension without obesity. The correlation analysis revealed that the magnesium level in the serum o f such patients had a strong negative relationship with both the augmentation index (r =-0.68, p =0.023) and the arterial stiffness index (r=-0.55, p=0,042).The extra media index in patients with essential hypertension and obesity was twice as high as one in practically healthy individu als. It was also revealed that the extra-media indicator in these patients was positively related to the level o f blood pressure (r=+0.68, p=0.033), the augmentation index (r =+0.48, p=0.018), and negatively related to magnesium content in serum (r= +0.61, p=0.023). It was concluded that young men with essential hypertension and abdominal obesity have clinical signs o f hypomagnesemia. The identified correlations between the serum magnesium content, the increase in arterial wall stiffness and the level o f the blood pressure in such patients make it possible to consider hypomagnesemia as a predictor o f early vascular remodelinguk_UA
dc.subjecthypomagnesemia, essential hypertension, obesity, vascular remodeling, young age.uk_UA
dc.titleHypomagnesemia as a predictor of early remodeling of blood vessels in young men with essential hypertensionuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри внутрішньої медицини №3

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