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Назва: Research of biological properties of enterovirus strains associated with ischemic stroke.
Автори: Andriushkova, N.
Shyrobokov, V.
Turchyna, N.
Melnyk, V.
Kuzminska, O.
Dolinchuk, L.
Ключові слова: Ischemic stroke
Ischemic stroke
biologic properties of enteroviruses
Дата публікації: 2020
Видавництво: Wiadomości Lekarskie
Серія/номер: tom LXXIII;nr 3
Короткий огляд (реферат): Introduction. The research of biological properties of enteroviruses associated with ischemic stroke (IS) allows us to identify their intratypic differences. The aim: to identify genetic markers of strains of enteroviruses associated with IS. Materials and methods. 11 strains of enteroviruses isolated from the serum of patients with IS were identified in the virus neutralization test. Genetic markers of isolated strains (Abent, marker S, marker rct40) were determined. Results. Eleven strains of enteroviruses were isolated from the serum of patients with IS. Eight viruses: Coxsackie B viruses (serotypes 2, 3, 4) and ECHO viruses (serotypes 6, 9, 27 (two strains), 29) were identified in these strains. Other three strains of enteroviruses were unidentified. Different combinations of genetic markers were found. Seven strains of enteroviruses (Coxsackie B2, B3, ECHO 6, ECHO 9, ECHO 27 (two strains) and one unidentified virus) had virulence markers: Abent–, rct40+ and S−. Three strains (Coxsackie B4, ECHO 29, one unidentified virus) had markers: Abent–, rct40+, S+. Another one unidentified virus had markers: Abent+, rct40+, S –. Conclusions. All 11 isolates of enteroviruses associated with IS had rct40+ marker, 10 of the 11 isolates had marker Abent– and 8 of 11 isolates had marker S–. The research of genetic markers allows to perform typic and intratypic differentiation of strains of enteroviruses associated with the IS.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.librarynmu.com/handle/123456789/6055
ISSN: 0043-5147
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри гігієни харчування та нутріціології

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