
Поточні фільтри:

Почати новий пошук
Додати фільтри:

Використовуйте фільтри для уточнення результатів пошуку.

Результати 91-100 зі 121.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Analysis of efficiency of the temporo-mandibula r disorders treatmentKostiuk, T.; Kaniura, A.; Lytovchenko, N.
2020Methods for determining the position of motor and trigger points of the chewing muscles of dysfunction of the tmjKostiuk, T.; Kaniura, A.; Lytovchenko, N.
2020The use of occlusal splints manufactured with «exocad» software in the treatment of temporo-mandibular disfunctionKostiuk, T.; Lytovchenko, N.
2020Current trends and unpredictable challenges of an emergency abdominal surgery in UkraineSlonetskyi, B.; Tutchenko, M.; Verbytskyi, I.; Kotsiubenko, V.; Слонецький, Б. І.; Тутченко, М. І.; Вербицький, І. В.; Коцюбенко, В. О.
2020Long-term results of treatment of patients with exarcebative course of generalized periodontitis in patients with manifestations of psychoemotional stressKononova, O.
2020Treatment of patients with exarcebated generalized periodontitis and manifestations of psychoemotional stressKononova, O.
2020Substantiation of a safe period of time for the oral cavity sanitation under general anesthesia in children aged 12-18 yearsKoval, O.
2020Iris changes at patients with temporomandibular joint diseases and urinary system pathologyKryzhanivska, O.
2020Internal changes of TMJ at young people with different somatotypesVolovar, O.; Topchii, D.; Logvynenko, I.; Dobryi-Vechir, T.; Oblap, M.
2020Relationship of neurophysiological parameters and dental status indices in children with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis depending on the intensity of motor disordersZoriy, I.; Pryimak, H.