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dc.contributor.authorLehenchuk, O.-
dc.contributor.authorPlyska, O.-
dc.description.abstractRelevance. Children with oncohematological pathology have a high level of dental diseases, since the use of high doses of cytostatic drugs leads to damage to the hard tissues of the teeth. In recent years, the number of children with acute leukemia has increased in Ukraine from 2.5 to 4.1 cases per 100,000 children. In recent years, the number of children with acute leukemia has increased in Ukraine from 2.5 to 4.1 cases per 100,000 child population. Objective: to study the indicators of the intensity of caries of temporary and permanent teeth in children with acute forms of leukemia: lymphoblastic and myeloblastic. Materials and methods. Clinically examined 98 children aged 2-18 years, with acute forms of leukemia. The examined children were divided into groups: the frst group – 61 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and the second – 37 children with acute myeloblastic leukemia. Served as control 63 practically healthy children. The analysis of the structure of the constituent elements of the indicators of the intensity of decay teeth caries (df) in children 2-5 years old and caries of permanent teeth (DMF) in children 6-18 years old was performed. The constituent elements of the cf indicator are “d” – carious teeth that are subject to treatment, “f” – flled teeth. The constituent elements of the DMF indicator are “D” – carious teeth that are subject to treatment; “f” – flled teeth; “M” – extracted teeth. Results. When studying the intensity of caries of temporary and permanent teeth in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it was found that in children 2-5 years old, cf is equal to 6.64 affected teeth per child. In this case, the “d” element was 75.30%, compared with the control group of children, where the “f” element was 45.28%. Element “f” was 24.6%, and in the control group it was signifcantly higher and was equal to 54.92%. In children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia 6-18 years old, the CFE is 5.34 teeth. At the same time, the “D” element was 53.13%, and in the control group – 11.06%. Element “f” was 44.24%, in the control group – 85.9%. Element “M” in the main group was equal to 2.63%. When studying the intensity of caries in temporary and permanent teeth in children with acute myeloid leukemia, it was determined that in children 2-5 years of age, cf is equal to 6.25 affected teeth per child. In this case, the “d” element was 80.64%, in comparison with the control group, where the “d” element was 45.28%. Element “f” was 19.36%, and in the control group it was signifcantly higher and equal to 54.92%. In children 6-18 years old, the CFE is 5.53 teeth. At the same time, the element “d” in the main group was 41.5%, and in the control group – 11.06%. Element “f” was equal to 57.8%, in the control group - 85.94%. Element “M” in the main group was equal to 0.6%.uk_UA
dc.subjectchildren, caries, intensity, acute lymphoblastic, myeloblastic leukemia.uk_UA
dc.titleThe condition of the hard tissues of the teeth in children with acute forms of leukemiauk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри дитячої терапевтичної стоматології та профілактики стоматологічних захворювань

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