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dc.contributor.authorBobyr, V.-
dc.contributor.authorStechenko, L.-
dc.contributor.authorShyrobokov, V.-
dc.contributor.authorCryvosheyeva, O.-
dc.contributor.authorNazarchuk, O.-
dc.contributor.authorPoniatovskyi, V.-
dc.contributor.authorChuhrai, S.-
dc.description.abstractThe study of the role of viral-bacterial associations in the etiology of acute intestinal infections is considered new to medical microbiology. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of viral-bacterial associations on the manifestation of virulence of pathogens and the degree of development of structural-morphological disorders of the internal organs in animals with antibiotic-induced dysbiosis. In a study of 210 white laboratory mice, BALB/c lines formed dysbiosis using antibacterial agents (ampicillin, gentamicin, metronidazole) followed by simulation of the experimental infection. To simulate salmonella infection, mice were infected with a clinical strain of Salmonella typhimurium intraperitoneally. Similarly, the animals were infected with Coxsackie B3 test culture virus (dose 106 TCD50). The sensitivity of mice to Coxsackie B and salmonella viruses was examined for mortality and disease characteristics. The animals were removed from the experiment 24 h after infection, electronically microscopically studied structural and morphological changes of the internal organs were performed. There was no statistically significant difference in morbidity (23.33-26.66 %) and mortality (16.66-20.0 %) of mice infected with Coxsackie virus with dysbiotic disorders and preserved microflora. Dysbiotic conditions have been shown to lead to associated viral-bacterial infections in animals and, accordingly, an increase in the incidence of disease and death in experimental animals. Against the background of disturbance of the composition of the normal intestine microbiota in viral bacterial infections, pronounced degenerative changes in the internal organs of animals were established, with signs of generalization. Electrogram data showed the appearance of activation of immunocompetent cells of the body in viral-bacterial infection in animals with impaired intestine microbiocenosis.uk_UA
dc.subjectantimicrobials, bacteria, viruses, dysbiosis, intestinal microbiocenosis, intestinal infections.uk_UA
dc.titleModeling of viral-bacterial infections against antibiotic-induced intestinal dysbiosisuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри мікробіології та паразитології з основами імунології

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