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Результати 81-90 зі 104.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Розробка проєкту специфікації та методів контролю для дієтичної добавки у вигляді жувальних таблеток із кальцієм і вітаміном D3Проворова, В. О.; Сальман, Г. Р.; Ніженковська, І. В.
2023Acetanilamide derivative substance and peculiarities of pharmaceutical analysis of undeclared apis in its copositionKuksa, V.
2023Development of the hplc technique for studying of the purity of the dextromethorphan hydrobromide substance for the presence of acyclovir inpurityGorai, T.
2023Chromatographic studies of the purity of cetokine-like peptides using the alloferon subsstance as an exampleZelena, Y.
2023Modification of the hplc method of confirming the content of sorbitol and permissible or unacceptable impurities in the composition of a biological active substanceKryvoshey, M.
2023Investigation of the purity of the active ingredient oxaliplatin (substance) by hplcDenisova, V.
2023Modification of the hplc technique for studing the purity of the chlorhexidine substance as a representative of a number of bis-(chlorophenyl)-(imidodicarbamide-diamide)-sAvramchuk, O.
2023Development of a technique for pharmaceutical analysis by hplc of accompanung impurities in the isoquinolinum dibenzenesulfonate substanceDarienko, O.
2023Study by hplc of the active ingredient dextromethorphan hydrobromide for the presence of hydrocortisone admixtureBeley, V.
2023Investigation of off-target effects of known bioactive molecules using the swiss targetpredictio program (sib swiss institute of bioinformatics) using the example of 5-substituted uracilsZalevska, O.