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Результати 1-10 зі 58.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2022Interactive Methods in Teaching of the Elective Discipline “Fundamentals of Patent Law” as an Element of the Legal Education of Future DoctorsBolotnikova, A.; Pushkarova, Y.; Zaitseva, G.; Hozhdzinskyi, S.
2022Academic integrity in health occupations educationPushkarova, Y.; Bolotnikova, A.; Zaitseva, G.; Hozhdzinskyi, S.
2002Electrochemical property of methylene blue redox dye immobilized on porous silica–zirconia– antimonia mixed oxideZaitseva, G.; Gushikem, Y.; Ribeiro, E.; Rosatto, S.
2002Рorosity Characterization of surface bonded Antimony on Silica – Zirconia mixed oxideZaitseva, G.; Gushikem, Y.; Strelko, V.
2021Using Information Technology in Teaching of the Course “Analytical Chemistry” in Bogomolets National Medical UniversityPushkarova, Y.; Chkhalo, O.; Reva, T.; Zaitseva, G.; Bolotnikova, A.
2022-10Designing an Online Course for Pharmacy Students: Case Study of Basics of Chemical MetrologyPushkarova, Y.; Zaitseva, G.
2022-02Development and evaluation of an elective course "Actual problems of pharmacy education"Pushkarova, Y.; Reva, T.; Zaitseva, G.; Chkhalo, O.
2021Teaching of the course "Analytical chemistry" using tools of the moodle in Bohomolets National Medical UniversityPushkarova, Y.; Chkhalo, O.; Reva, T.; Zaitseva, G.; Bolotnikova, A.
2022-12-15Case study method in teaching discipline "Basics of chemical metrology"Pushkarova, Y.; Zaitseva, G.; Kalibabchuk, V.
2022Chemometric methods in chemistryPushkarova, Y.; Zaitseva, G.