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Результати 21-30 зі 52.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Protein-Sorption and the Hemostatic Properties of Composite Materials Based on Polyurethane Foam Filled with Silicon and Aluminum OxidesKravchenko, A.; Gerashchenko, I.; Krupska, T.; Shtanova, L.; Guzenko, N.; Kravchenko, O.; Komarov, I.; Yanchuk, P.; Veselskiy, S.; Tsymbalyuk, O.; Vovkun, T.; Baban, V.
2020-07Simulation modeling of cAMP induced Dictyostelium aggregation using object-oriented Pharo programming languageNizheradze, K.
2020Hapten Effects of Nickel and Copper Ions as an Integral Part of Their Toxicity: In Vitro ModelingVoroshylova, N.; Naumova, O.; Obernikhina, N.; Pyrogovska, S.
2020Biochemistry of nerve tissue and neurotransmittersObernikhina, N.; Mykhailova, A.; Pradii, T.; Sanzhur, T.
2020International students in higher education medical institutions in ukraine: current state of play and prospectsMospan, N.; Slipchuk, V.
2020COVID-19 Impact on Medical Education: Evidence of International StudentsMospan, N.; Slipchuk, V.
2020Virtual Space as a Platform for Student Research PracticesSpivakovskyy, S.; Slipchuk, V.; Svyrydenko, O.; Perova, S.; Krysalo, O.
2020Model of formation of future teachers' readiness to work in inclusive educationLavrykova, O.; Kuzmenko, N.; Demchenko, O.; Kovalchuk, O.; Slipchuk, V.; Pilevych, O.
2020Approaches to Cultivating Healthy Behaviours in Tertiary Students: Systemic ReviewBobrytska, V.; Reva, T.; Beseda, N.; Filippova, L.
2020Development of extraction method of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from sunflower oilTereshchenko, N.; Khyzhan, O.; Kovshun, L.; Maksin, V.; Bobunov, A.; Терещенко, Н. Ю.