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dc.contributor.authorChukova, O.-
dc.contributor.authorNedilko, S.-
dc.contributor.authorSlepets, A.-
dc.contributor.authorNedilko, S.-
dc.contributor.authorVoitenko, T.-
dc.description.abstractThe La1− x Ca x VO4 and La1− x− y Eu y Ca x VO4 (0≤ x, y≤ 0.2) micro/nanosized powders were prepared by aqueous nitrate–citrate sol–gel synthesis. Phase composition of the sample depends on the x and y values. The La0. 9Ca0. 1VO4 is crystallized in monoclinic structure up to the x= 0.1. The La0. 9Eu0. 05Ca0. 05VO4 sample was also attributed to the monoclinic structure. Increasing concentration of europium and calcium ions in La1− x− yEu y Ca x VO4 solid solutions leads to the change of the crystal structure, and subsequently, stabilization of the tetragonal phase takes place.uk_UA
dc.publisherNanoscale Research Lettersuk_UA
dc.titleSynthesis and Properties of the La^ sub 1− x− y^ Eu^ sub y^ Ca^ sub x^ VO^ sub 4^(0≤ x, y≤ 0.2) Compoundsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри медичної біохімії та молекулярної біології

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