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Результати 1-10 зі 11.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021Biological chemistryNizhenkovska, I.; Narokha, V.
2021Potential of germanium-based compounds in coronavirus infectionNarokha, V.; Nizhenkovska, I.; Kuznetsova, O.
2021Biological and bioorganic chemistry. 2 bookGubsky, Y.; Nizhenkovska, I.; Korda, M.; Borzenko, B.; Brazaluk, O.; Ersteniuk, G.; Efetov, K.; Zhukov, V.; Zaichko, N.; Komarevtseva, I.; Luysyuk, M.; Mardashko, O.; Meshchyshen, I.; Neporada, K.; Sklyarov, O.; Tarasenko, L.; Torokhtin, O.; Bondarchuk, T.; Kuznetsova, O.; Lozova, O.; Yagupova, A.
2021Effects of coordination compounds of germanium on the levels of nicotinamide coenzymes in the tissues of experimental animalsNizhenkovska, I.; Narokha, V.; Kuznetsova, O.
2021Ukraine: Development of pharmacy students’ information competence in a biological chemistry courseNizhenkovska, I.; Kuznetsova, O.; Narokha, V.
2021Digital component of professional competence of masters of pharmacy in the framework of blended learningReva, T.; Kucherenko, І.; Nizhenkovska, I.; Stuchynska, N.; Konovalova, L.; Burmaka, О.; Chkhalo, O.; Koval, A.
2021Investigation Of Quantum-Chemical Properties And Forecasting The Efficiency And Safety Of Phosphorylated Oxazole DerivativesNizhenkovska, I.; Matskevych, K.; Badri, M.
2021Qualitative detection of quinoline yellow dye in medicines for oral administration by thin-layer chromatographyNizhenkovska, I.; Burmaka, O.; Provorova, V.
2021Features of the choice of the method of testing quinoline yellow depending on the composition of excipients in medicinesNizhenkovska, I.; Burmaka, O.; Provorova, V.
2021Sensitivity of mixed cultures of microorganisms to the new combined drug in the form of pessariesNizhenkovska, I.; Onyshchuk, L.; Nizhenkovskyi, O.