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dc.contributor.authorКолосович, І. В.-
dc.contributor.authorГаноль, І. В.-
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. The Law of Ukraine “On Education” (2017), Ukraine’s participation in the Bologna process of education organization obliges teachers to understand and implement educational technologies of European colleagues [1]. Implementation of new branch standards of higher medical education (educational and qualification characteristics (EQC), educational and professional programs (EPP)) at the National Medical University is ensured by introducing a credit-module system of organization of the educational process [2,3]. This requires the development and implementation of new educational and methodological support and the use of objective means of monitoring the level of knowledge and practical skills needed by future physicians to solve typical tasks of professional activity. Основна частина. The Department of Surgery #2 has developed a thorough working curriculum in the discipline of "Surgery", which is based on a new methodology for organizing the educational process - a credit-module system with rating control of student performance. On the basis of EPP and EQC on specialty 7.12010001 “Medical care” the maintenance and final purposes of training on discipline have been defined, structuring of the educational program on the module with introduction of credit credits of ECTS as units of measurement of educational load of the student is carried out. The ECTS credit includes all types of student activities provided for in his individual plan: lectures, practical, individual classes, internships, preparation and passing of the licensed integrated exam "Krok-2", practice-oriented state exam, research work, etc. The assessment for the module is defined as the sum of the assessments of the current educational activity (in points) and the assessment of the final module control (in points). Students who study in one specialty, taking into account the number of points scored in the discipline, are ranked on the known ECTS scale (A, B, C, D, E). An important component of the implementation of the credit-module system is the creation for each practical lesson of unified methodological materials for teachers and students and the availability of effective means of monitoring the level of acquired knowledge and practical skills. At the same time, control and correction of the initial, current and final level of students' knowledge is carried out with the help of special computer programs and using success tests. The mastery of the practical skills provided by the program is carried out in specially equipped classrooms, equipped with the necessary models, tools, phantoms and special equipment. It is extremely important to provide students with the opportunity to work in specially prepared multimedia classrooms during both classroom classes and in the period of extracurricular training with the next teacher. To increase the motivational component of educational work, daily individual work of students with patients is used, when they personally participate in the examination and treatment of patients as part of ward wards, observe and evaluate the effects of treatment. The experience of the department shows that the achievement of the planned educational goals is improved by using active teaching methods - business games, specialized computer programs, classes in multimedia classrooms. In order to assess the effectiveness of training by traditional and the above methods, two groups of students were compared: 110 people in the first and 206 - in the second. The first of them studied according to the traditional method, the second - according to the described one. In the test control of the acquired level of knowledge with the calculation of the coefficient of mastery, the best results were found in students who studied according to the developed method (at K<0,7 was rated "unsatisfactory", at 0,7<K<0,8 - "satisfactory", at 0,8<K<0,9 - "good", at K>0,9 - "excellent"). In particular, the number of unsatisfactory grades decreased by 43%, and the number of "good" and "excellent" grades increased by 39,1% and 41,2%, respectively. Conclusion. Thus, the introduction of a credit-module system of organization of the educational process with a rating of student performance and the use of information technology as a mechanism for implementing educational programs, ensure the integration of higher medical education in Ukraine to the European educational space. References. 1. Kolodii I. (2018). Vprovadzhennia systemy vnutrishnoho zabezpechennia yakosti u zakladi vyshchoi osvity [Introduction of the internal quality assurance system in a higher education institution] // Molod i rynok - Youth and the market, 3(158), 69–74. [in Ukrainian]. 2. ISO 9001:2015, IDT. (2016). Systemy upravlinnia yakistiu. Vymohy [Quality maagement systems. Requirements]. Retrieved from: https://khoda.gov.ua/image/catalog/files/%209001.pdf [in Ukrainian]. 3. Standarty i rekomendatsii shchodo zabezpechennia yakosti v Yevropeiskomu prostori vyshchoi osvity ESG. (2015). [Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assuance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)]. Retrieved from: http://www.britishcouncil.org.ua/sites/default/files/standards-and-guidelines_for_qa_in_the_ehea_2015.pdf [in Ukrainian].uk_UA
dc.publisher«Актуальні питання вищої медичної (фармацевтичної) освіти: виклики сьогодення та перспективи їх вирішення»: матеріали XVIIІ Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. в онлайн-режимі за допомогою системи microsoft teams (Тернопіль, 20–21 трав. 2021 р.) / Терноп. нац. мед. ун-т імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України. – Тернопіль : ТНМУ, 2021. – 592 с.uk_UA
dc.titleЕducational process at the department of surgery according to the standards of higher medical educationuk_UA
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