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dc.contributor.authorMelnychuk, I.-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of our work to check the connections between gut microbiota composition and plasma amino acids profile in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and atrial fibrillation (AF). Materials and methods: 300 patients were divided into 3 groups: first (CAD) – 149 patients with CAD but without arrhythmias, second (CAD+AF) – 124 patients with CAD and AF paroxysm and control group – 27 patients without CAD and arrhythmias. Plasma AA level was detected by ion exchange liquid column chromatography method. 16-S rRNA sequencing checked gut microbiota composition. Results: The II group patients are characterized by a significant increase in Actinobacter Spp. and a decrease in Blautia Spp., Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron;a significant increase in glutamate, branched-chain amino acids, Fishers’ ratio, and a decrease in glycine levels (P<0.05). Pathogenic species have such significant correlations: Streptococcus Spp. with tyrosine (r=0.301), phenylalanine (r=0.340), aromatic amino acids (r=0.345), Fishers’ ratio (r=0.319); Escherichiacoli with arginine (r=-0.331), serine (r=-0.337), valine (r=-0.332);(P<0.05). Probiotic species have such significant correlations: Bifidobacterium Spp. with glycine (r=0.505), Fishers’ ratio (r=-0.371); Blautia Spp. with ornithine (r=0.329), glycine (r=0.414), alanine (r=0.316); Eubacteriumrectale. with ornithine (r=0.379), glycine (r=0.467), alanine (r=0.384), Fishers’ ratio (r=0.418);(P<0.05).Conclusions: Plasma amino acids and gut microbiota are closely connected.uk_UA
dc.subjectCoronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, amino acids, gut microbiota composition, gut microbiota metabolites.uk_UA
dc.titleGut microbiota and plasma amino acids profile connections in patients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillationuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри внутрішньої медицини №4

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