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dc.contributor.authorShvets, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorKhranovska, N.-
dc.contributor.authorSenchylo, N.-
dc.contributor.authorOstapchenko, D.-
dc.contributor.authorTymoshenko, I.-
dc.contributor.authorOnysenko, S.-
dc.contributor.authorKobyliak, N.-
dc.contributor.authorFalalyeyeva, T.-
dc.description.abstractContemporary research in the field of microbiota shows that commensal bacteria influence physiological activity of different organs and systems of a human organism, such as brain, lungs, immune and metabolic systems. This influence is realized by various processes. One of them is trough modulation of immune mechanisms. Interactions between microbiota and the human immune system are known to be complex and ambiguous. Dendritic cells (DCs) are unique cells, which initiate the development and polarization of adaptive immune response. These cells also interconnect native and specific immune reactivity. A large set of biochemical signals from microbiota in the form of different microbiota associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) and bacterial metabolites that act locally and distantly in the human organism. As a result, commensal bacteria influence the maturity and activity of dendritic cells and affect the overall immune reactivity of the human organism. It then determines the response to pathogenic microorganisms, inflammation, associated with different pathological conditions and even affects the effectiveness of vaccination.uk_UA
dc.subjectCommensal bacteria Antigen presenting cells Peptidoglycan Lipopolysaccharide Short chain fatty acid Secondary bile acid Autoinduceruk_UA
dc.titleMicrobiota substances modulate dendritic cells activity: A critical viewuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри описової та клінічної анатомії

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