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dc.contributor.authorKovalenko, O.-
dc.contributor.authorOstapiuk, L.-
dc.contributor.authorVoloshinovskii, A.-
dc.description.abstractThe deep understanding of pathogenesis is a key moment in the formation of the modern strategy of modern medicine. We conducted the thorough analysis of the microscopic processes occurring in the bodies of patients with purulent-septic complications. The modified pathogenetic concept of the diagnostic and treatment model of diseases with septic complications is presented. The obtained information about the mechanisms of origin and development of these diseases is fundamentally important for finding the modern effective methods of treating patients. The aim of the research is to modify treatment tactics for patients with sepsis and burn injuries based on the modified pathogenetic concept using modern diagnostics, i.e. the method of fluorescence spectroscopy (MFS) and biomarkers. Materials and Methods: The proposed modified pathogenetic concept of the diagnostic and treatment model of diseases with purulent-septic complications along with standard methods was used successfully for effective treatment of 15 patients with sepsis and 25 with burn injuries. Results: 3 main scenarios of behaviour of spec tral-fluorescence characteristics of patients with sepsis are illustrated. Spectral-fluorescence markers of sepsis were studied, which are informative 24 to 48 hours before the appearance of obvious clinical and laboratory signs of significant changes in the general somatic status of patients. Conclusions: The proposed diagnostic and therapeutic approach is new and fundamentally important for diagnostics and monitoring of the process of treatment of patients with purulent-septic diseases and burn injuries. An in-depth understanding of the dynamics of septic complications and the corresponding changes of the main markers of these diseases during treatment is especially relevant. The use of infusion therapy with solutions of donor albumin as an effective pathogenetic treatment is scientifically justified.uk_UA
dc.subjectPurulent-Inflammatory Diseases, Sepsis, Modified Pathogenetic Diagnostic and Treatment Model, Method of Fluorescent Spectroscopy, Biomarkers, Albumin Infusion.uk_UA
dc.titleCurrent Problems of the Diagnostics and Treatment of Sepsis and Burn Injuries: The Modified Pathogenetic Conceptuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри хірургії №1

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