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dc.contributor.authorNehoduiko, V.-
dc.contributor.authorTsema, I.-
dc.contributor.authorHumenyuk, K.-
dc.contributor.authorKravchenko, K.-
dc.contributor.authorYurkiv, O.-
dc.contributor.authorDubenko, D.-
dc.contributor.authorKhuda, M.-
dc.contributor.authorMyrhorodskiy, D.-
dc.contributor.authorBunin, Y.-
dc.description.abstractThe article provides a definition of a bilateral gunshot wound to the chest, the features of diagnosis and treatment according to the level of medical care. The isolation of this pathology into a separate nosological unit is justified due to the peculiarities of the lesions of the respiratory system and mediastinum, severe injury, high mortality, long duration of treatment and the existing complications of the same type.uk_UA
dc.publisherJournal of Education, Health and Sport. 2021; 11 (04)uk_UA
dc.subjectgunshot wound; bilateral chest injury; level of medical care; echelon careuk_UA
dc.titleBilateral Gunshot Wounds to the Chest at Different Levels of Medical Careuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри хірургії з курсом невідкладної та судинної хірургії

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