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dc.description.abstractThe systematic literature search revealed no consensus on the start of AB therapy in patients with no bacterial culture test. Retrospective data collection on 9728 patients from 22 countries indicated a wide range (31e82%) of antibiotic use frequency in AP. Analysis of 56 variables from 962 patients showed that clinicians initiate antibiotic therapy based on increased WBC and/or elevated CRP, lipase and amylase levels. The above mentioned four laboratory parameters showed no association with infection in the early phase of acute pancreatitis. Instead, procalcitonin levels proved to be a better biomarker of early infection. Patients with suspected infection because of fever had no benefit from antibiotic therapy. Conclusions: The authors formulated four consensus statements to urge reduction of unjustified antibiotic treatment in acuteuk_UA
dc.titleAntibiotic therapy in acute pancreatitis: From global overuse to evidence based recommendationsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри хірургії з курсом невідкладної та судинної хірургії

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