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dc.contributor.authorSlonetskyi, B.-
dc.contributor.authorVerbitskiy, I.-
dc.contributor.authorKotsiubenko, V.-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the work is to analyze the results of the use of optimized diagnostic and therapeutic tactics in patients with strangulated abdominal hernias without resection of the hollow organ. Materials and methods: The work is based on the analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 665 pa tients with strangulated abdominal hernias without resection of the hollow organ, who were divided into 2 groups depending on the features of the diagnostic and treatment tactics. Unlike the patients of group 1, the following diagnostic tactics were used in group 2: substantiated laparoscopic diagnosis of abdominal organs; mandatory biochemical assessment of hernia water; mandatory intraoperative instrumental assessment of the state of the strangulated organ; expansion of indications for the use of laparoscopic interventions and components of the comprehensive Fast track program; substantiated complex prevention of malignancy. The clinical diagnostic algorithm included laboratory, instrumental and biochemical research methods. Results: The use of priority diagnostic and therapeutic tactics in the patients of group 2 allowed to increase the number of laparoscopic hernioplasty by 49.34%, the number of allohernioplasty by 18.62%, among which the “Sublay” technique was preferred for strangulated ventral hernias. This was accompanied by a decrease in the pain syndrome on the VAS scale during the four days of observation, both during coughing and at rest, and amounted to only 2.21 ± 0.29 points on the fourth day when at rest. In addition, and after 12 months, the patients of group 2 observed a better recovery according to the SF-36 questionnaire, which amounted to 76.77±6.63 points for the assessment of the general state of health, 70.81±5.86 points for the assessment of physical functioning, 68.88±5.37 points for the assessment of role functioning due to physical condition, 68.03±5.92 points for the assessment of role functioning due to emotional state, and social activity was characterized by 72.82±5.52 points.uk_UA
dc.subjectStrangulated abdominal hernia, laparoscopic operations, allohernioplasty.uk_UA
dc.titleSpecific features of diagnostic and treatment tactics in patients with crushed abdominal hernias without resection of a hollow organuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри хірургії стоматологічного факультету

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