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dc.contributor.authorYavorovskyi, O.-
dc.contributor.authorNaumenko, O.-
dc.contributor.authorSkaletsky, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorBrukhno, R.-
dc.contributor.authorRigan, M.-
dc.contributor.authorOmelchuk, S.-
dc.contributor.authorLoboda, T.-
dc.contributor.authorIvan’ko, O.-
dc.contributor.authorZinchenko, T.-
dc.description.abstractThe authors aimed to estimate the healthcare environment risks and safety problems of the medical staff and patients, methods of neutralizing the negative public health effects and to suggest the new approaches to improved effectiveness and reliability of the healthcare establishments functioning under the emergencies.uk_UA
dc.subjectCOVID-19, hospital environment safety, safety culture, hospital environment risks.uk_UA
dc.titleCOVID-19 as a stress test of healthcare establishments effectiveness and reliability measured nationally and globallyuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри оториноларингології

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