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Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2012Association of surgery with improved survival in patients with metastases at diagnosis of breast cancerLiubota, R.; Liubota, I.; Schepotin, I.; Zotov, A.
2013Elation between bmi and morphological characteristics triple-negative breast cancerLiubota, R.; Liubota, I.; Zotov, A.; Shchepotin, I.
2013Role of breast surgery on survival of patients with primary advanced breast cancerLiubota, I.; Liubota, R.; Anikusko, M.
2017The impact of locoregional treatment on survival of patients with primary metastatic breast cancerLiubota, R.; Cheshuk, V.; Vereshchako, R.; Zotov, O.; Zaichuk, V.; Anikusko, N.; Liubota, I.
2021Systemic chemotherapeutic treatment of patients with breast cancer brain metastasesLiubota, R.; Vereshchako, R.; Anikusko, M.; Liubota, I.; Vakulenko, G.
2017Isolated Primary Echinococcosis of Breast: A Rare Case ReportLiubota, R.; Anikusko, M.; Zotov, O.; Vereshchako, R.; Liubota, I.
2022Special aspects of medical care for cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemicPavlushenko, M.; Liubota, R.; Vereshchako, R.; Anikusko, N.; Liubota, I.
2016Metformin in neoadjuvant systemic treatment in breast cancer patients with metabolic syndromeLiubota, R.; Zotov, A.; Vereshchako, R.; Cheshuk, V.; Anikusko, N.; Liubota, I.
2013Relation between bmi and morphological characteristics triple-negative breast cancerLiubota, R.; Liubota, I.; Zotov, A.; Shchepotin, I.
2018Management of Brain Metastases from Solid TumorsLiubota, R.; Vereshchako, R.; Anikusko, M.; Liubota, I.