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dc.contributor.authorBahrieieva, O. S.-
dc.contributor.authorGolovchenko, O. O.-
dc.contributor.authorGolovchenko, O. I.-
dc.contributor.authorZhirnov, V. V.-
dc.contributor.authorBrovarets, V. S.-
dc.identifier.citationBahrieieva, Oksana S., Oleksandr V. Golovchenko, Oksana I. Golovchenko, Victor V. Zhirnov, and Volodymyr S. Brovarets. 2023. “New Phosphorylated 5-(hydroxyalkylamino)-1,3-Oxazoles As Potential Anticancer Agents”. Ukrainica Bioorganica Acta 18 (1), 32-41. https://doi.org/10.15407/bioorganica2023.01.032.uk_UA
dc.identifier.issnDOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/bioorganica2023.01.032-
dc.description.abstractEight new phosphorylated 5-(hydroxyalkylamino)-1,3-oxazoles were designed and tested for their ability to inhibit cancer cell growth. These compounds were evaluated against complete human tumor cell lines NCI-60. Only three compounds showed antitumor activity in the single dose assay, which were taken in the five dose assay. Compounds 7 and 8 showed the same average antiproliferative activity and cytotoxicity against sensitive cell lines of the general panel. However, compound 8 showed cytotoxicity to more lines than 7. By all parameters, these compounds were more active than compounds 5. Compounds 7 and 8 also showed high and similar antiproliferative activity in the concentration range GI50: 1-6 and TGI: 6-14 μM against all subpanels. Their cytotoxicity was in the concentration range of 25-54 μM. Compound 5 showed the same activity, with the exception of the leukemia, non-small cell lung cancer and ovarian cancer subpanels against which their activity was lower. When analyzing the structure-activity, it turned out that among the phosphorylated oxazole derivatives, only compounds containing the triphenylphosphonium cation (TPP+) in the 4th position of the oxazole ring exhibit antitumor activity.uk_UA
dc.publisherUkrainica Bioorganica Actauk_UA
dc.titleNew phosphorylated 5-(hydroxyalkylamino)-1,3-oxazoles as potential anticancer agentsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeНові фосфорильовані 5-(гідроксіалкіламіно)-1,3-оксазоли як потенційні протипухлинні агентиuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри хімії ліків та лікарської токсикології

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