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dc.contributor.authorZhaboedov, D.-
dc.contributor.authorSkrypnyk, R.-
dc.contributor.authorTykhonchuk, N.-
dc.contributor.authorZadorozhna, A.-
dc.contributor.authorSkrypnychenko, I.-
dc.contributor.authorLekhnitska, S.-
dc.contributor.authorSakhanda, I.-
dc.description.abstractAim: to determine the state of local immunity in DED on the background of hormonal dysfunction. Materials and Methods: Of 32 women, 17 patients with diagnosed SM and 15 women of the control group were examined. The Ocular Surface Disease Index and the state of local immunity were defined by determining Ig As in lacrimal fluid (LF) by radial immunodiffusion in Mancini agar. Results: During the OSDI questionnaire, a mild degree of DED was detected in 21 (65.6%) women, and an average degree was observed in 11 (34.4%) patients with SM. On average, OSDI was 34.54 ± 2.01. As a result of studies of the state of local immunity in patients with SM, a tendency to increase Ig As was noted, compared with the control group. An increase in Ig As in the lacrimal fluid in patients with SM to 0.34 ± 0.09 g/l was found, compared with the control group (0.24 ± 0.03 g/l). Conclusions: Using the OSDI questionnaire, the presence of DED was detected in women with SM, mainly mild and moderate degree. The obtained results of the state of local immunity indicate in favor of a nonspecific inflammatory process, accompanied by a decrease in local immune protection and leading to further changes in the ocular surface.uk_UA
dc.subjectDry eye disease, tear film, surgical menopause syndrome, hormonal dysfunction, secretory Ig A.uk_UA
dc.titlePeculiarities of local immunity in dry eye disease on the background of hormonal dysfunctionuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри організації та економіки фармації

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