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dc.contributor.authorBurlaka, I.-
dc.description.abstractDiabetic nephropathy is a disease characterized by pathological changes in glomeruli that lead to the development of albuminuria, hypertension, and a decline in renal function. Prominent changes detected in apoptosis controlling factors, i.e. BcL-xL and caspase-3 and require a search for additional non-toxic therapeutic interventions, i.e. antioxidants, anti-apoptotic effectors in addition to glycemic control, hypertension management, as well as albuminuria. The present study included forty-four children (24 boys, 20 girls) diagnosed with T1D and DN around the ages of five-seventeen. Clinical data (age, gender, disease duration, blood pressure), conventional laboratory markers (complete blood count, serum cholesterol, Hb1Ac, GFR, MAU), and apoptosis markers (BcL-xL, caspase-3) were analyzed. We show that apoptosis-induced disorders in children with DN evaluated by dysbalance occurring in the cell death controlling system may be attenuated by the advanced scheme which includes conventional treatment and Vitamin D; the applied scheme has a longterm therapeutic effect on macroalbuminuria development.uk_UA
dc.subjectTreatment, Vitamin D, Diabetic nephropathy, BcL-xL, Bax, Apoptosisuk_UA
dc.titleApproach to correction of apoptotic disorders in children with early diabetic nephropathyuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри педіатрії №4

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