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dc.contributor.authorMarchuk, M.-
dc.contributor.authorDovbonos, T.-
dc.contributor.authorMakukh, H.-
dc.contributor.authorSemeryak, O.-
dc.contributor.authorSharhorodska, Y.-
dc.description.abstractAzerbaijani 28-year-old female showed weakness (MRC (Medical Research Council Scale for Muscle Strength) grade 4 in the proximal part of the upper and MRC grade 2–3 in the lower extremities), difficulty in stair lifting, positive symptom of Hoover’s rising, «waddling gait», decline deep reflexes symmetrical, lack of surface reflexes, positive Babinsky’s reflex on the right, urinary incontinence during sneezing, prolonged walking and exercise from puberty. Additional methods made it possible to identify minor violations of conduction of the left ventricle, electromyography signs of primary muscular disease with predominant involvement of the proximal muscles of the lower extremities, elevation of serum creatine kinase (746.81 U/l), active foci of demyelination in the left frontal lobe, intrathecal synthesis of oligoclonal IgG bands (type 2) in cerebrospinal fluid, atrophy and fatty degeneration of all muscles of the shins, homozygous Variant of Uncertain Significance (VUS) c.1855C > T (p.Pro619Ser) in TRIM32 gene and heterozygous VUS c.2300C > G (p.Thr767Arg) in KIF5A, c.2840G > A (p.Arg947Lys) in MYH2, c.1502G > C (p.Gly501Ala) in POMT1 genes. Comparison of the phenotypes of the mutations that have been identified with the clinical picture of the patient suggests that VUS c.1855C > T (p.Pro619Ser) in the TRIM32 gene can be pathological. Summarizing, it can be argued that the cause of the identified disorders is a homozygous variant c.1855C > T (p.Pro619Ser) in TRIM32 gene that causes LGMDR8 in a patient with MS.uk_UA
dc.subjectLGMD2H; LGMD R8; Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2H; sarcotubular myopathy; TRIM32; muscular dystrophy; multiple sclerosis; Hoover’s rising; waddling gait; next-generation sequencinguk_UA
dc.titleSarcotubular Myopathy Due to Novel TRIM32 Mutation in Association with Multiple Sclerosisuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри неврології

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