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dc.contributor.authorMakarenko, M.-
dc.contributor.authorSemeniuk, D.-
dc.contributor.authorStarenka, I.-
dc.contributor.authorPogribna, A.-
dc.contributor.authorSokol, I.-
dc.contributor.authorMartinova, L.-
dc.contributor.authorGovsieiev, D.-
dc.identifier.issnUDC 57.033-
dc.identifier.issndoi: https://doi.org/10.15407/ubj91.01.065-
dc.description.abstractHBD-2 – a member of β-defensin family of antimicrobial peptides – is known to permeabilize cell membranes of susceptible cells, but the mechanism of such interactions is poorly understood. In our study, we used a hemolytic model to explore the kinetic properties of HBD-2 interactions with membranes of human erythrocytes. We ran hemolytic assays with a wide range of both HBD-2 and erythrocyte concentrations, as well as varying pH values, incubation times, and osmotic strengths; each in the presence or the absence of inhibitory substances such as proteins and salts. The results show that HBD-2 cell membrane permeabilization is both dose- and time-dependent (with plateau effect observed in each case), and inversely dependent on erythrocyte concentration. HBD-2 interactions with cell membranes highly depend on pH value and the presence of inhibitors but are not affected by tested osmotic strength range. Our findings suggest that interactions of HBD-2 with cell membranes are mainly electrostatic in nature and are limited by released cell content. We developed a speculative model of such interaction based on our results.uk_UA
dc.subjecthuman beta-defensin 2, hemolytic activity, membrane permeabilizationuk_UA
dc.subjectβ-дефенсин 2 людини, гемолітична активність, пермеабілізація мембранuk_UA
dc.titleHBD-2 interactions with erythrocyte membranes In Vitrouk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВзаємодії HBD-2 з мембранами еритроцитів in vitrouk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри акушерства, гінекології та неонатології післядипломної освіти

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