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dc.contributor.authorAlieva, T.-
dc.contributor.authorKarvatsky, I.-
dc.contributor.authorKlymenko, L.-
dc.contributor.authorLagodych, T.-
dc.contributor.authorLeschenko, I.-
dc.contributor.authorLukyanenko, I.-
dc.contributor.authorScherbak, O.-
dc.contributor.authorStrokina, I.-
dc.contributor.authorVinogradova-Anik, O.-
dc.identifier.issnУДК 612 (075.8)-
dc.description.abstractIn the manual for practical training and individual work for students in physiology materials which will promote mastering of physiology by students of faculties of the higher medical educational institutions which study on credit-transfer system (ЕCTS) are submitted. These materials are developed on the basis of long-term pedagogical experience of the collective of Physiology department of National O.O.Bogomolez Medical University, and as experience of introduction of credit-modular system of the organisation of educational process. In the manual materials for principal kinds of individual work of students (IWS) are submitted, practical works which are carried out by students on practical training, and schemes of reports of practical training in which students have possibility to write down results of researches and other tasks are described. It will promote formation of abilities to analyze results of researches of functions of an organism and make conclusions on certain algorithm. This Manual is published in English for foreign students of medical high schools for whom English is a training language.uk_UA
dc.titlePractical works in physiology. Manual for practical studies and individual work for English-speaking students 222 "Medicine". Part 1uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчальні видання кафедри фізіології

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