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dc.contributor.authorLukianets, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorBarna, O.-
dc.contributor.authorKorost, Y.-
dc.description.abstractOsteoporosis is the fourth most common after cardiovascular, cancer and endocrine diseases. According to WHO experts, due to the aging population and the impact of negative environmental factors, the incidence of osteoporosis will increase further. Osteoporosis is known as the silent epidemic because it does not manifest until a fracture occurs. Despite advances in risk assessment and treatment, osteoporosis still often either not recognized or untreated. Aim: Assess bone mineral density in women of different ages, analyze fracture risk factors among women with low-energy fractures.uk_UA
dc.subjectOsteoporosis, osteopenia, ultrasonic densitometry, risk factors of osteoporosis.uk_UA
dc.titleAssessment of bone tissue mineral density in women of all ages in the practice of a family doctoruk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Матеріали науково-практичних конференцій кафедри загальної практики (сімейної медицини)

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