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Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Tsema, I.
Результати 1 до 9 із 9
Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
2022 | Application of Damage Control Tactics and Transpapillary Biliary Decompression for Organ-Preserving Surgical Management of Liver Injury in Combat Patient | Khomenko, I.; Tsema, I.; Humeniuk, K.; Makarov, H.; Rahushyn, D.; Yarynych, Y.; Sotnikov, A.; Slobodianyk, V.; Shypilov, S.; Dubenko, D.; Barabanchyk, O.; Dinets, A. |
2021 | Associated projectile inferior vena cava wound with subsequent pulmonary artery missile embolization: a case report and literature review | Tsema, I.; Khomenko, I.; Susak, Y.; Dubenko, D. |
2021 | Bilateral Gunshot Wounds to the Chest at Different Levels of Medical Care | Nehoduiko, V.; Tsema, I.; Humenyuk, K.; Kravchenko, K.; Yurkiv, O.; Dubenko, D.; Khuda, M.; Myrhorodskiy, D.; Bunin, Y. |
2021 | Dynamics of the serum bilirubin level during bile ducts drainage in patients with hilar tumor stenosis and jaundice | Palytsya, R.; Markulan, L.; Tsema, I.; Dubenko, D.; Batiuk, A.; Susak, Y. |
2023 | Gunshot injury to the colon by expanding bullets in combat patients wounded in hybrid period of the Russian‑Ukrainian war during 2014–2020 | Gumeniuk, K.; Lurin, I.; Tsema, I.; Malynovska, L.; Gorobeiko, M.; Dinets, A. |
2017 | Hydrodynamic rupture of liver in combat patient: a case of successful application of “damage control” tactic in area of the hybrid war in East Ukraine | Khomenko, I.; Shapovalov, V.; Tsema, I.; Makarov, G.; Palytsya, R.; Zavodovskyi, I.; Ishchenko, I.; Dinets, A.; Mishalov, V. |
2021 | Non-Operative Management of Bronchobiliary Fistula Due to Proximal Migration of Biliary Stent in a Patient With Unresectable Klatskin Tumor | Tsema, I.; Slobodianyk, V.; Rahushyn, D.; Myrhorodskiy, D.; Yurkiv, O.; Dinets, A. |
2018 | Pulmonary artery embolism by a metal fragment after a booby trap explosion in a combat patient injured in the armed conflict in East Ukraine: a case report and review of the literature | Khomenko, I.; Tsema, I.; Shklyarevych, P.; Kravchenko, K.; Holinko, V.; Nikolaienko, S.; Shypilov, S.; Gerasimenko, O.; Dinets, A.; Mishalov, V. |
2020 | The treatment results of patients with postoperative ventral hernias after multi-stage surgery of open abdominal gunshot wounds (improvement of hernioplasty-technique) | Gybalo, R.; Tsema, I.; Batiuk, A. |